It is not religion you need

"It is fulfilled!"

It is not religion you need

ViestiKirjoittaja TurunWeijo » Ma 11 Loka, 2021 12:10

It is not religion you need

Jesus Christ, Son of God, was born a man app 2000 years ago. He died on the cross as a replacement offering for you to release you from sin and chains of religions. It is only Jesus who has reclaimed us the entry to be connected with God : ”I am the door; if someone enters through me, he will be saved.” John 10:9.
God is searching you , His lost prodigal child. And if you search Him and want to turn to Him, you are certain to become the child of God. ”The seeker finds!” God is waiting to be able to show mercy on you.
”Although your sins are brown like blood, they will become white as snow!” Jes 1:18.
”The punishment was on Him so that you can have peace!” Jes 53:5.
God’s will towards you is good! He wants you to be in Heaven with Him.
Jesus is a living Person, He is the King of kings, The Lord of lords! He is not a religious ideology or just a biblical doctrine. Religions cannot lead you to Salvation and reach the favor of God. God has prepared us an entirely different way- Jesus says: ”I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to Father through other than Me.” John. 14:6. Only blood of Jesus washes away your sins! He never told His followers to establish churches or any other religions. The difference between a religion and a living faith is that religions are established by man and kept by man; The Holy Spirit of God is the creator and keeper of living faith!
Devil is accepting various religions. Devil even uses them to reach his goals for mankind, which ultimately is keeping people away from Jesus. Religion is often placed in man’s heart to the place that should belong to Jesus! Religions are a substitute for the living faith.
At the moment of accepting living faith to Jesus the spirit of man, the center of man’s person, awakes to new Life in Holy Spiri: ”the one who is not born again from heaven, cannot see the Kindom of God.”John 3:3-5
”So, if someone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone, and see, the new has come instead.” 2 Cor 5:17.
A new man is born to replace the old one. Such a person has turned to living faith, his sins are forgiven, he repents and is saved, in other words he is born again in Holy Spirit. This is an entirely different process than choosing a religion or church. John 1:12
Through the eyes of your heart you can look at the whipped and suffering Christ at the cross of Golagata. You are allowed to repent and ask for forgiveness for your sins. Jesus has paid for you the punishment that would have belonged to you and He wants to reprive you. Accept Jesus as your Saviour and give your life to Him! ”The word of cross is lunacy to those who are to end in condemnation, but for us who are saved, it is the power of God.” 1 Chor1:18
Mankind is divided into two groups only
Those in faith in Jesus who are on the way to Heaven
Those who do not have part in faith in Jesus. i.e. still in sin mode on the way to damnation.
Being a member of a religion does not change this defination. Being born in faith is the change of direction that leads to Heaven. The people of faith in Jesus are the congregation of God. Without living faith one does dot belong to this congregation, even if one is a signed member of any religion.
”Who believes and is babtized, is saved.” Mark 16:16.
”Those who accepted his word, were babtized, and their number increased.” Apt 2:41.
What you need is not a religion, but Jesus in your life.

Weijo Lindroos
Weijo Lindroos
Jeesuksessa Kristuksessa.
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Liittynyt: La 31 Tammi, 2009 18:14
Paikkakunta: Turku

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